Thursday, October 19, 2006

Having Fun Substituting

Hello All,

As a few of you know, I have recently begun substituting for the Ithaca City School District. Today I had my third job since receiving Board approval. I must say that this experience has only solidified my belief that I do want to become a teacher. (HUGE sigh of relief!)

My first day I subbed for a music teacher at Dewitt Middle School and worked with 6th-8th graders and I had a blast. Everyone was very well-behaved and were more than helpful and receptive to the assignment that I was instructed to complete with the class. It was a journal assignment requiring the students to reflect on a Navajo Indian performance that they had seen earlier in the week. I was very impressed with their willingness/excitement to do the assignment. And it was writing! I know that many of us, myself included, have become a little jaded with the amount of actual work being done in the classrooms, but this music teacher has her stuff together! They are even working when a sub is there. When I first started thinking about becoming a sub, I thought that all I would ever do was be a study hall monitor type of person in the classroom, but to date, I have had actual lesson plans to follow (which is a heck of a lot less boring)! YAY!

My second day was not as great. I took a chance and accepted a job to sub for a high school physical education teacher. It was horrible. There were no plans left for me to follow if the weather was bad (it was raining all day) so I had to impose on other gym teacher's classes and sort of piggyback. Everything seemed chaotic. By the end of the day, I had my own gym space and had the students play indoor soccer one period and handball the next. The class that played handball was crazy! It was a bunch of upper class students and they were so aggressive and into the game that there was actually some blood shed (this totally reminded me of the aggressive behavior in Raising Cain). A kid had his finger nail ripped back! He was very calm, got a band aide and came back to play with even more ferocity! It was unbelievable!

Today was the best! I subbed for a 6th grade math teacher who also has one reading class (?). The plans were great and everything went soooo smoothly. The kids were funny, cooperative and all-around-great. And, plus having worked a few days (and survived) I felt more confident and I think that the kids could pick up on this. They did their classwork (review in a workbook for a test in a few days) and didn't do anything crazy or deviant. It was wonderful. The reading class was pretty fun. We did some vocab (definitely not Masselink style, but from a traditional workbook), and then they read aloud. At the end, they were to write in their journals about their reactions to the chapter we read. After they had written everything down, I asked them to talk to me about what they had written. They were very excited to have the chance to talk about it and were incredibly vocal. So overall, the best classroom day yet!

I would strongly suggest that, if possible, everyone try subbing. It has helped me gain confidence as a teacher and it is just fun to be in a classroom again. Here's to many more great classroom experiences!


Tracie said...

Congrats, Charm! I knew that getting into the classroom again would be a great experience for you! You have such a caring, open, and easy-going personality that there's no way that kids aren't going to respond to you. And even if you're "just" subbing, I think that you will learn a lot interacting with so many different students and seeing various activities that teachers have prepared for them. Just seeing how teachers set up their classrooms and the spaces in which they work with kids is informative. Kudos, Charm, and good luck.

Dawn Larson said...

Yeah, Charm!

I think that you are incredibly courageous to be subbing...considering what I remember from the way students treated subs in my high school. I don't think I have that kind of nerve...yet.


Sarah said...

Nice to see you at IHS today! Where I taught previously, teachers would frequently be asked to cover absent teachers during a free period (for additional pay). This was a solution to the substitute teacher deficit. I taught near the gym, and when the gym teacher was absent - mayhem was guaranteed to ensue. It got to the point where a gym coverage meant keep the kids in the gym, but don't give them balls, or any other equipment - just keep them contained.

I have subbed a few times and found it to be a valuable learning experience. Checking out classrooms, talking to kids, observing the school culture, using a range of sub-plans will all contribute to you further honing your teaching skills and style.

Hope to see you at IHS again, soon!

KatieL said...

Thanks for the detailed account of your subbing thus far. I should sub before student teaching even. I'm scared to be in front of a class. Well I'm more scared that mayhem will ensue and I won't know what to do. But I am anxious to be in a classroom again. Do you know where your student teaching yet; did you request anyone? I'll be interested to see what it's like when you get to have English classes more frequently. Good luck and may the force be with you!

Mr. Johnston said...

I sort of feel like subbing is a right of passage...
Welcome to the rest of your life!

Jennifer Taft said...


Thank you so much for your comment. It really means a lot that people got to not only SEE our movie, but enjoy it as well.

I also wanted to reciprocate and tell you that your movie was awesome as well. I LOVED the images and the film you shot. And using "Pure Moods" was so fitting. It was just so relaxing (for once in that class) to just sit and enjoy. I was telling Tracie last night in class that you both have such calming voices. You did a great job of telling a story about something that some of us are familiar with (the falls) but may not know much about.

Thank you for sharing your awesome movie with us!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Charm, why are you neglecting your blog??? I look forward to your discussion of your movie. K

Anonymous said...

Hi Charm, I miss your blogging...Karen